Hey all, Just thought I'd drop a line, some RL friends of mine have put together a Kickstarter for a Supplement to the Savage Worlds RPG system. It's a full setting and complete world using this system. I don't normally spam things for people to throw money at. But if you tabletop RP and have never tried out Savage Worlds, it's a really good system. I can give people a run down of the system if they'd like, to gain a better understanding of how it works. To clarify, this is for a friends Kickstarter that is almost 100% funded within the first 2 days, they're only asking for $7k, which will hopefully lead to more products in the future created by him. My friend Brett Weihing is an aspiring game developer with lots of boardgames and roleplaying ideas on the table. The Kickstarter is solely to help produce and create a full "world" supplement for the already existing system for Savage Worlds. Please reach out if you have any questions. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1410286763/buccaneer-through-hell-and-high-water-for-savage-w