Just got this off Newegg. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102914 A Sapphire ATi 6950. I had my eye on the 6970s, but this was $100 bucks cheaper and as you all know, can be flashed to a 6970. What am I upgrading from? One of these, which was close to $1000 at launch. http://www.legitreviews.com/article/496/1/ It'll be quite an upgrade, so I'll see how things go when it gets here (assuming it works). Do I need the card? Not really... but the price is right and I just got a big tax return. Regardless, it would be nice to crank everything to max on current and upcoming games.
I am going to refrain from LOLing and making a comment about what you said just days ago Good choice of a card, it is the best price/performance ratio card out right now. Are you planning on keeping it all stock or actually going to flash it to the higher end card? If flashing, catch me on TS3 sometime and ill go over it with you. Its a really easy precedure.
Congrats on the new card ... I myself am looking for a new card (gotta sell my radar detector first!!! ) I am an nVidia guy but that 6950 sure is tempting to get I myself am gonna get the 560 TI MSI Twin Frozr and OC it to a 570 spec
Sweet site. Bookmarked! Lol, well actually I'm going to wait and see if I even need the added power from upgrading. I might not need to, but if I do, you'll be the first to know =P Thanks ewww a TWI =P
ugh... i'm getting the upgrade itch now... Looking forward to the intel retail event soon. Maybe they'll throw up a 2600k for <$100. Still rocking a HD 4870... but as long as it allows me to play Tera + GW2 well enough, don't see the need to immediately upgrade =p
i came from that =P now i have 2 580s =P well went from a 460 or was 480 when i got my computer then had to wait tell the 580s came into stock
cox i run i7 860 8gb of ram 9800gtx+ superclocked and some games there is no way in hell you can run max settings and maintain above 30 FPS but if i do buy new card (prolly in the week or so) I can sell someone mine for the cheap
Or.... the 2600k which runs faster even at the same clock speeds, has a much better memory controller, is WAY cheaper, and on average overclocks higher. But he would also need a new MB for that processor change. Even still, MB + CPU would be cheaper than 980 extreme, even cheaper than the 990 extreme. which is oddly cheaper than the 980x...
Unless of course you do things that will actually benefit from the six cores... otherwise 2600k is more than enough =3
Newegg is kinda slow. Ordered this Wednesday and it still says processing. That's the first of four stages... *sigh*
Man... it's nice to work in retail sometimes http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1604726 Intel's summer deal will be announcing soon as well. Can't wait...