DFO - Will It Succeed?

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Powerdrunkfiend, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Powerdrunkfiend

    Jun 24, 2008
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    What are your opinions?

    I'm hesitant to commit and subscribe if the general consensus is that it will tank.

    Is it simply too hardcore for most gamers to enjoy. If that's the case will it die for lack of revenue?
  2. Meemo

    There is one thing that worries me about Darkfall: Jerks hanging around starting areas trying to take damage from new players as they attempt starting quests.

    - If the new player attacks with melee, the jerk is close enough so that he also gets hit.
    - If the new player uses a ranged attack, the jerk tries to get hit. Harder to do than trying to get caught by the melee swing, but ranged attacks look harder to use against the enemies as well.

    If the jerk gets hit by the new player, that means the jerk is now free to attack the new player without penalty. So he kills and loots the new player (unless the guard towers kill the new player first).

    If the new player doesn't attack, he doesn't get to finish the quest. But he must now chose between dying to NPCs or running away.

    If the new player turns up with some friends, the jerk will hide, run, or reveal that he has some friends of his own. If someone gets lucky and kills the jerk, he will just grab his spare gear and be back the next day (no point returning till the guys that killed him have left).

    The end result of this is that players are unable to complete the starting quests so they leave because dying repeatedly is not fun for them.

    And the above is assuming that the starting quests don't require players to leave the safety of the guard towers. If the new players have to leave the safety of the guard towers, I expect roaming gangs, or gangs camping areas where new players have to go, killing everyone they meet.

    I really hope I'm wrong here.
  3. yeah, i was going to play but the magic is broken and all the range is slow...spells suck and it doesn't offer much... Idk I am gonna play eve xD
  4. s o k a r
    Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    That's been the concern for every single pvp game in the world. Hell it's even possible to do that in WoW. I don't see that as killing ANY game and I doubt it ever will.

    Everytime A FFA pvp game comes out, AoC included, people always worry about the ganking and what not. I would have thought that by people would realize what a PVP game is about. If there are gangs out killing people then make your own gang, it there's people camping starting areas then get a gang going and kill them. The whole point of a pvp game is pvp. Yet that's the number one thing complain about.

    WoW is that way ----->

    I think the game will be great. Lots of new aspects with a not too innovative combat system.
  5. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
    Magic is fine. Trust me. Early on it does much more damage than melee, easier to train up, and way more fucking cool. Later on magic gets bigger and better. The downside is its slow casting, but with skill it works fine since people can't move all that fast.

    Melee is pretty much still dominant over magic, but the devs are constantly working on fixing magic - take a look at the patch notes.

    I really am enjoying the game and think it will kick ass.
  6. StashVG

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Data & Business Analytics
    AHHH, lesser magic?

    ...the very beginning of the game. RT?! it's not suppose to easy. ya can't have huge max dmg, easy lock on targeting in the beginning...

    ..where would the challenge be?
  7. Meemo

    How long before the ganker gets killed in WoW ?
    Once killed, how long does it take them to get back to the starting areas they can attack ?
    Aren't players in WoW unable to attack people of their faction ?

    With what I've seen in Darkfall, all it will take you is you standing beside them while they swing a melee weapon. Then it hits you and you can gank them without an alignment penalty. Meaning they get to respawn in the nearest town if someone kills them.

    But if the new player manages to kill the ganker, the new player takes the alignment penalty.

    Edit: Ignore until the next quote, it seems you don't take a penalty for attacking, only for killing a blue player. So this part is wrong.
    Do you take an alignment penalty for attacking someone with a neutral alignment, or only if you kill them ?

    Because if you get a penalty for attacking them, that means that the new player will take an alignment penalty when the jerk steps into the path of the new players attack. So the jerks keep steping into the way of attacks until the new players are forced to respawn in unsafe areas.

    True for players with some experience. But I was talking about new players.

    How do you propose that a new player can form a gang that could scare off experienced players ?

    And if the new players get constantly ganked before they learn how to play, why do you think they will stick around ?
  8. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
    if you attack a blue player you turn grey, after several seconds you will turn back to blue. If you kill someone you will turn grey unless you "gank" them (yes, that is an official Darkfall term for finishing off someone) red and they will drop a tombstone to which you must kill enemy faction to become blue or wait a long time to turn back to grey/blue.

    For every PKer there are Anti-PKers so I think it will somewhat balance itself.

    Many will stick around after getting ganked due to the ability to gank once they become a big boy or to get revenge. However, those that do not wouldn't last in DF anyway TBH. Darkfall is a dark and gritty game where it will be dog eat dog outside the newbie areas.

    A lot of people also just team up to avoid getting ganked, guilded or not.
  9. s o k a r
    Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    I'll put it kinda simple at first then get into the "box" replies.

    If the new player wants to play a FFAPvP then they'll learn the PvP way real fast. Make friends fast and join a guild. Then run and hide when they have more friends and a bigger guild. It's the way of pvp and there's only one way to learn it with or without the tears. If they can't handle it then I'll refer to my previous post in "WoW is that way ---->" It's a good game with a great pve system and quick rewards for those who need instant gratification to hang around.

    uhh I guess the simple version was the only version. As for sticking around I could care less because that's one less person that's going to cry gank every time they get killed and ask why through PM's.
  10. Sirius
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Bellevue, WA
    Will it succeed? I don't know. I really don't. I could see it becoming a kind of "fantasy EvE", if you like, without so much of the trading stuff going on maybe. But I don't know whether it has mainstream appeal, especially since it looks dated before it's even released (OK, so people play WoW by the millions...).

    It's always going to be a niche game, though the fact that there have been a couple hundred thousand people looking out for it is kind of interesting. But its long-term success pretty much rests on whether it can impress enough to retain most of them, and whether the developers can steadily improve the game so it can build momentum.

    I'll be giving them the benefit of the doubt, at least for a few months. I just hope they use it well.
  11. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
  12. Meemo

    Does this refresh if you get attacked while your grey, or only if you attack someone ?

    If the later it should deal with the problem.

    So if you kill a grey player of your faction without ganking them you turn grey for a long time ?
    That will also significantly reduce the problem.

    What happens if you do gank them ?
    As "gank them red" doesn't quite make sense. But so far it does sound like the devs did think about this issue and have found a solution.

    In Eve Online there are the pirate groups who go around killing people to loot them. Some of them are very well coordinated.

    Then there are the anti-pirates who have the stated goal of trying to wipe out the pirates. They don't seem to have much of an effect on the pirates.

    So I'm not so sure that anti-PKers will make much of a difference. Still, with what you told me above the anti-PKers won't be needed to protect the new players, and experienced players should be able to take care of themselves either way.

    You are meant to bold words you want to emphasise, not random words to show that you can use the bold tags.

    If you want I can tell you why I bolded each word that I bolded in my posts. Can you do the same ?

    How long will it take to learn the mechanics ?
    Even if it only took a few hours, that would of still been enough time to grief most new players out of the game under my assumptions.

    Assuming that the guilds that take new players aren't trying to exploit them somehow.
    True. If they can find a guild with people know what they are doing. But in my experience with MMOs a high proportion of the guilds that take in completely new players don't much about what they are doing anyway.
    Or they could come over to a PvP focused MMO that does give new players a chance to learn how to play. Like Eve.

    It doesn't matter how good the game is if the starting parts are horribly frustrating.
    Why do you bring up the PvE system ?
    Enough to satisfy a player who keeps getting killed in PvP ?
    Could care less ?

    So you do care about it ?

    Or did you mean couldn't care less ?

    And if you prod them right, even their whines can be entertaining.
  13. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
  14. s o k a r
    Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    I'm usually wondering if you already know the answers to these questions but ask just to ask silly questions.
  15. No_Smoking

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Springfield OR
    I think it will if they can work out any bugs ASAP.

    griefing can be found in any game.. its just a bit more obvious and much easier to do in a PvP game.
  16. Sirius
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Software developer
    Bellevue, WA
    Actually, if we're really lucky they might give us a graphics overhaul a couple years down the track too. :D
  17. No_Smoking

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Springfield OR
    has that actually been mentioned by the dev's?
  18. Sirius
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Bellevue, WA
    Doubt it. It happened to EvE, that's the only reason I say that.

    Interesting that Mortal Online is UE3 based. If they tank, that's going to hurt.
  19. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
    order of release goes

    Darkfall ---> Mortal Online ---> Earthrise

    for similar type games.

    Jumpgate will be between MO and Earthrise probably, but its EVEish.

    Who knows which will be gold and which will be coal.
  20. Meemo

    Kyoji, s o k a r, would you please use the quote tags
    stuff you want to say