If space trucking is your thing...... https://robertsspaceindustries.com/...661-A-Hull-For-Every-Job-The-MISC-Hull-Series
The real story behind the sale is the redesign of the SCU system to the older ships and what that means to what you can and cannot transport in the PU. Stats will be reposted for all the ships "soon". It is my understanding that the older ship's capacity will be reduced.
Hull Cargo Cost Cost Per Cargo Unit A 75 $ 60.00 0.8000 B 600 $ 90.00 0.1500 C 4800 $ 200.00 0.0417 D 21600 $ 350.00 0.0162 E 153600 $ 550.00 0.0036 IMO - For me the sweet spot appears to be Hull C at $0.04 per Cargo Unit.
The Hull series are good for trucking in civilized/patrolled space(Low profit areas). Much less so for higher profit areas.