Aleez's Application - Bless Online Officer

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Aleez, May 18, 2018.

  1. Aleez

    Aug 29, 2014
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    What Officer role are you applying for?:
    General Officer
    How would you assist the other officers in the guild?:
    - If problems arise I make sure to take detailed notes to share with all the other officers so everyone can be on the same page and no one gets blindsided later on.
    - Whatever projects other officers feel is beneficial for the guild I’ll give my support for what is needed and explain to guild members its benefits if they are reluctant about the why.
    - Friendly ear to listen when things get stressful.
    - Objective and good with tact and privacy.
    - I’ll keep an accessible calendar so everyone can easily see what is needed/going on when and where so it doesn’t become overwhelming. [ex:]

    Crafting Specialists:
    - If materials are needed for crafting (things which are tradeable) I’ll make a rewarding event, or follow the guild’s decision such as when AA began a modified DKP system, for the guild members to collect those things while transparently keeping track of the details. [ex:]

    PvP / Raid Leaders:
    - Actively supporting and participating in guild raids while motivating those who are feeling lazy to go, when the newness wears off.
    - Going to help/getting others to help if a guild member is being attacked and needs assistance.
    - Making sure to remind people of the raids that are set up.
    - Helping them with anything they might need an extra hand with.

    - PR post info and answer questions in chat if they aren’t around, busy, don’t see.
    - Help with interviews if they aren’t online at the time or busy.
    What will you do to enhance the guild?:
    - I’ll nolife to help get the guild leveled during EA
    - I’ll stay honorable and professional, maintaining the reputation we have
    - I’ll pay for items to give out in game as rewards, motivation, or just little surprises that boost morale and make members feel the guild is inclusive. [Ex: I used to send out birthday messages with a small token to AA members.]
    - I’ll help pay for what is needed for the guild outside of the game.
    - I’ll record video and then use my filmmaking background to edit them. Those can be shared if desired. [ex:
    - I pay attention to the happenings and atmosphere in the guild, bringing attention to anything that may need to be looked at.
    - Help other officers where they need it while being mindful to not step on toes
    - Handle disputes that arise dispelling issues and promoting our accomplishments
    - Be organized and try to make the guild aspect of the game fun for members and not “job like”
    - If there are lulls happening or for some holidays, I’ll create a fun event for members to do or an open faction event to get positive attention towards the guild.
    What are your past leadership roles or achievements?:
    - In college, I was a student elected student government officer where I was responsible for creating student-community crossover events.
    - I left college to attend a fine arts conservatory where I was the first student to be requested for a TA position.
    - I was an officer in the ArcheAge division responsible for guild events, the creating and implementing of social and pvp ones. [ex:] While also helping to handle member’s issues, relations with some other guilds, recruiting and interviews, and handling mat acquisition for guild needs via events/rewards.
    - I’m on the forum page for “most likes” and I’ve won a XoO award.
    What would you like to add to your application to make it more competitive?:
    I'm not sure if this will make my application more competitive, however it is something I'd like to add.

    I’ve been playing games for many years; always with a passion and drive to be the best at what I set out to do. However, after joining XoO in AA I got to experience something that I don't really have the exact, or proper, word for but I found that, albeit time-consuming and at times stressful, my greatest experiences, happiness, and memories are when I can be part of other people’s happiness and experiences. My hard work is rewarded by helping to create the memories others make, those memories which transcend however long they play the game.

    I'd like the opportunity to be a part of that again on a new adventure.
    DARKTIDE!! likes this.